Somos FCC N27

a project materialises in reality. In short, I wanted to learn how to build. It motiva- tes me to think of seeing the fruit of your work being realised in a tangible way. I also like this profession because it contributes to improving the society in which we live, as it has a positive and direct impact on people’s quality of life, for example, by improving the layout of rail and road networks or planning cities with increasingly sustainable buildings, covering basic needs such as the su- pply of drinking water, housing, etc... What would you say to all womenwho are studying an engineering degree? In general, regardless of whether you are a man or a woman, for all enginee- ring students I would tell them to think about the long-term future, not to choo- se the career just because they like the subjects (mathematics, physics, etc.) but to visualise themselves doing the job and reflect on whether that job motiva - tes them and excites them. To do this, I would advise them to try to talk to people who work in the sector so that they can share their professional experience first- hand, so that they can better conceive their future and this will help them to discover if this is their vocation, because this is not an easy job. And I would also tell them to put passion into what they do. If I had to say something specific to women, I would tell them to be proacti- ve, not to set limits for themselves, not to condition themselves to think that they cannot do something, not to doubt their abilities, not to be satisfied with playing as “substitutes” but to fight to play as “starters” and if they have the desire to achieve something, to pursue it. Natalia Martínez, with part of the construction team. P E O P L E 29 P E O P L E