Somos FCC N27

Tell us briefly about your professional experience. I studied Public Works Engineering with a specialisation in Civil Construc- tion and before finishing my degree I started working at FCC Construcción in the Castilla y León office in September 2000. Later in 2013 I graduated in Civil Engineering. the Auditorium and Conference Centre in Burgos and from 2011 - 2017 on the construction of the Conference and Ex - hibition Centre in León. Then, I worked as Site Manager on the Victoria Adra - dos Coexistence Centre in Salamanca, followed by the emergency work on the Regional Biocontainment Unit at the Río Hortega Hospital in Valladolid, within the framework of the Covid-19 pandemic, and finally, I am currently Site Manager for Stage III of the Salamanca Hospital. My entire professional career has been linked to FCCConstrucción, working di- rectly on site. I started as assistant site manager on the construction of 61 sub- sidised housing units in Burgos. Subse - quently, I worked as production mana- ger on two residential building projects: 48 subsidised housing units in Astorga (León) and 188 homes (112 blocks of flats, 34 duplexes and 42 terraced hou - ses) in Valladolid. I was then appointed site manager for the Paseo Zorrilla un- derground car park in Valladolid. During the years 2007 - 2011 I worked as Pro- duction Manager for the construction of What doyou thinkhasbeenyour grea- test professional achievement? It is difficult to choose just one project because I have tried to be as involved as possible in all of them. I have a spe- cial memory of the Paseo Zorrilla Un - derground Car Park project because it was the first project I took on as site manager and the challenge of carrying out the work in a mine, managing to shorten the final deadline for the pro - ject. However, due to their uniqueness and complexity, I would highlight the work on the Auditorium and Conferen- Natalia Martínez, together with her work team. ce Centre in Burgos (by Juan Navarro Baldeweg) and the work on the Confe- rence and Exhibition Centre in León (by Dominique Perrault). In both projects, it was necessary to carry out unique, and in some cases, novel construction pro- cesses and face difficulties in the orga - nisation, development and execution of the work that were solved thanks to the hard work and effort of all the members of the two construction teams that par- ticipated in them. The two works were awarded the Fomento de la Calidad a la Obra Excelente prize in 2013 and 2020 respectively. Why did you choose tobecome an en- gineer? I was always very interested in knowing how infrastructures were built, I was very curious about bridges and I wanted to participate in the process of creating them, especially in the structural phase. I have a fundamentally practical menta- lity and it gives me great satisfaction to see how what appears on the plans of P E O P L E P E O P L E 28