Somos FCC N27

it is different to start a work when you practically have to start from scratch, checking the project, analysing the most immediate needs, carrying out a large number of contracts, from the interme- diate phases with greater intensity in the production and cost control processes, generating files, from the final phase with legalisations, commissioning, pro- cessing of final certifications, etc... I try to plan my day to day, but it is very common for issues to arise that need to be solved in the moment and that of- ten divert you from the initial schedule. That is why I try to prioritise the impor- tant and urgent tasks, trying to focus on key priorities so as not to lose sight of the objectives and long-term goals. It is also important to know how to delegate and to trust in the experience and pro- fessionalism of your site team. Fortuna- tely, I am lucky to be surrounded by a highly qualified team. What is FCC’s role in the project? FCC has a very important role to play in this hospital infrastructure because it is a tender that includes the drafting of the construction project, the management and processing of licences and the exe- cution of the work. The design of the project and its subse- quent execution has had to be adapted to the different updates of the Hospital’s Functional Plan, the latest in May 2023, which affects Stage III, which we are currently executing. As the drafting of the project was the res- ponsibility of FCC, it has been possible to adopt the optimum and proven solu- tions that will allow the building to have the longest possible useful life and at the same time provide the Health Care Complex with the spaces that can cover the needs of the Functional Plan within the budget available at any given time in the Regional Health Management. P E O P L E 27 P E O P L E