Somos FCC N27

FCC Construcción has extensive experience in the construction of hospitals and health centres. What does participating in the Salamanca Hospital project mean for you? It is a great responsibility as it is one of the largest projects in the area. I have joined the project for the execution of stage III, which includes the demoli- tion of the Old Clinical Hospital and the construction of the new outpatient bloc- ks that connect with the new hospital, as well as the urbanisation of the enti- re surrounding area. It is a project that I face with enthusiasm and motivation and with the peace of mind that comes from being able to count on the cons- truction team that has participated in the previous stages because they have a great mastery of this project and also because of their involvement and com- mitment to it. What is your day-to-day life like on the construction site? In general, the day to day is a conti- nuous learning process, a new cha- llenge, no two days are ever the same, in addition to the fact that each work is always different from the previous one, each one has its own particularities, and also within the same work it de- pends on the phase in which it is found, Works Manager for stage III of the Salamanca Hospital Natalia Martínez Angulo I N T E R V I E W P E O P L E P E O P L E 26