Somos FCC N27

FCC Team Spirit in action | Grazathlon 2023 One for all, all for one | Pure team spirit in action FCC Austria celebrated this year the tenth edition of its Grazathlon, an obs- tacle course that consisted of 26 hurd- les and the popular challenge of “Jum - ping the mud”. FCC Austria isn’t just a strong presence at the ‘Grazathlon’ each year as an obstacle sponsor, but on the racecourse itself, too. Our brave FCC team gave a determined performance on the course. This year our FCC team had 25 participants from all parts of Aus- tria and a representative from the Czech Republic. A real team spirit was evident on the track in accordance with the motto “One for all, all for one”, because without it, or without mutual support of team members, many obstacles cannot be passed. What is the Grazathlon? Grazathlon is like the popular Spar - tan Race. However, the competitors do not run in the countryside and admire its beauty, but as a bonus to their performance, they have a sightseeing tour of interesting cities, in this case, Graz, Styria. This year, in its 10th-anniversary edition, this traditional unique com- bination attracted a record number of participants to the center of Graz in June. An unbelievable 6.660 run- ners fought their way through down- town Graz over two distances this time. One of many highlights this year was a 5+ km distance for the first time, which the runners could choose between when registering because beating the city should be for everyone. Am 17. June it was time to show team spirit, fighting spirit, and per - severance again, and don’t forget one thing: have fun! Thousands of running enthusiasts had to fight their way through dirt, sand, and water to conquer the city. Both routes were a challenge in themselves: It started in the Augar- ten and continued to the main squa- re. In Augarten, basically right at the beginning of the race (it was obsta- cle number 4), the competitors had to face one of the most spectacular obstacles at this tough, 10km obs- tacle race, called “Hupf in Gatsch” - “Jumping in the mud!”, which for the last few years has been proudly provided by FCC Austria. For the rest of the course, each competitor carried with them the memory of our obstacle in the form of mud and sand in their shoes and wet clothes. The FCC “Hupf in Gatsch” consists of 9 containers placed three at a time; the first set of containers is filled with wood chips. In the second, the competitors must overcome a pile of old tires. And then comes the most specta- tor-appealing part - a jump into con- tainers filled with a mixture of sand, dirt, and water. No one can escape this refreshing bath. And if anyone wants to cheat and bypass the obs- tacle, one of our colleagues from the Graz branch who provides this attraction, is waiting for them and will sprinkle them with water from a hose. To great cheers from the crowd of onlookers. Soon the water and mud are everywhere, even in the shoes of the onlookers. P E O P L E P E O P L E 24