Somos FCC N27

Tell us about your work experience. Howlonghaveyoubeenwith thecom- pany?What is your background? I graduated in 2018 with a degree in Human Resource Management and I am working with OSWS (Oman Sus - tainable Water Services) since April 2019 as a specialist in this field. It is my first job, but the company has given me the opportunity to grow and learn more professionally. In fact, in 2022, the company’s management promoted me to the position of Head of People and Culture at OSWS, with more tasks and responsibilities. Could you tell us a bit more about the work you do?What is your day-to-day life like? I am responsible for supporting emplo- yees and managing what we technica- lly call their lifecycle, i.e. recruiting the right people, processing payroll, ma- naging leavers, maintaining employee records, updating policies and helping department heads to provide the right training to their teams. What technological challenges have you encountered in Oman? And in terms of team management, how does the local spirit and philosophy influence the way you work? Since the creation of OSWS, People and Culture activities were done ma- nually and traditionally, all employee information was recorded on Excel sheets. Although these practices have served us well in the past, we have decided to take a step forward and im- plement a new technological system called MENAITECH. This change will make a significant difference in how we manage our teams. How do you see the consortium op- timising sustainable water manage- ment in the port of Sohar? The joint venture, and especially Aqua- lia’s systems, technologies and techni- cal support, are helping our partners and customers to be more sustainable and to optimise available resources. From the People and Culture depart- ment, we focus on improving the skills, knowledge and qualifications of our teams to efficiently meet the objectives of the OSWS. Inwhat ways do you think the country is modernising in the progressive en- try of women into the workplace? Since 1970, Omani women have made an essential contribution to the building of Omani society and have been part of its development. Omani women are well known in the Arab world and in international society, as they have be- come a role model for other women seeking success and a better future for themselves and their society. Would you recommend an interna- tional destination to people who are thinking about being part of Aqualia’s big project in Oman? Of course, I encourage Aqualia peo- ple to join international projects and get involved with different cultures and ways of working, to help diffe - rent countries to grow and become more sustainable. Water management in the port of Sohar, Oman. P E O P L E 23 P E O P L E