Somos FCC N27

Juhaina Al Mamari is Head of People and Culture at OSWS, the joint venture between Aqualia and the Oman Investment Fund’s state-owned Majis Industrial Services (Majis), which has been managing the opera - tion and maintenance of all water-related services in the port area of the city of Sohar, the largest city in northern Oman, for 20 years. OSWS carries out the operation and maintenance of seawater intake facilities, drinking and process water production and supply, cooling water collection and network, wastewater treatment, sewerage network and recycled wastewater management. It initially started with seawater harvesting and has gradually extended the service to other processes within the Sohar Port facilities and under the jurisdiction of the Port Authority. This is a highly complex technical project, which includes critical seawater extraction plants with a capacity of 700,000 m³/h, an associated network, a desalination plant with a capacity of 20,000 m³/day, a 10,000 m³/day drinking water treatment plant, a 600,000 m³/hour seawater outfall and pumping and processing system, as well as drinking water and sewage networks for more than 50,000 m³/day. Juhaina Al Mamari Aqualia’s Head of People and Culture of OSWS I N T E R V I E W P E O P L E P E O P L E 22