Somos FCC N27

The Las Dehesas biomethanisation plant is located in the Valde- mingómez Technology Park in Madrid. This plant was designed and built by FCC Medio Ambiente and is currently responsible for the treatment of 100% of the selective organic fraction of waste collection in the city of Madrid. This plant recycles more than 220,000 tonnes per year through a process of anaerobic digestion, where microorganisms break down the biodegradable material in the absence of oxygen, gene- rating more than 23 million cubic metres of biogas and digestate, which is an excellent material for the manufacture of fertilisers. In addition, the R&Dehesas centre will be built in 2021, where the pilot plants of two projects financed by European Funds “Scalibur” and “DEEP Purple” and another one financed by the Ministry of Science and Innovation “INSECTUM” are currently being deve - loped. The R&Dehesas centre has other technologies for energy conver- sion and use, such as two biogasmicroturbines that produce elec- tricity for self-consumption; an upgrading unit to convert biogas into biomethane that can be used as fuel for the plant’s own trucks. What has your career at FCC been like? I got to know FCC Medio Ambiente through the Las Dehesas Biome- thanisation plant project, which I have been involved with since its beginnings, as between 2005 and 2008 I was part of the technical team that carried out the project management for Madrid City Coun- cil in the drafting of the project and the construction work, the develo- per of which was the FCC group. In 2009, once the works were com- pleted, I joined FCC Medio Ambien- te for the start-up and subsequent operating contract at the plant. Initially, I worked in environmental education and, subsequently, in the technical engineering area. For the last 8 years I have held the po- sition of plant manager. General view of the Las Dehesas Biomass plant in Madrid. Aránzazu Alonso Guerra Director of the Las Dehesas Biomethanisation Plant I N T E R V I E W P E O P L E P E O P L E 18