Somos FCC N27

The Ciment de Enfidha cement factory in Tunisia was established in 1983 as part of the country’s in- dustrial development efforts. The company emerged as a joint pro- ject between the Tunisian govern- ment and foreign partners to meet the growing demand for cement in the country and the region. In its early years, Ciment de En- fidha focused on the production of Portland cement, a type of cement widely used in construction with a production capacity of 1.32 million tonnes. The plant used the latest available technology and advan- ced equipment to produce high quality cement and meet interna- tional standards. Over time, Ciment de Enfidha has established itself as one of the lea- ding cement producers in Tunisia and the Maghreb region. The com- pany has earned a privileged po- sition thanks to its commitment to its customers and the quality of its products, production efficiency and respect for the environment. Investment programme In 2001, Ciment de Enfidha em - barked on a major investment programme aimed at increasing its production capacity (from 1 to 1,25 million tonnes/year of clinker equivalent to 2,1 million tonnes of cement) through the creation of a second production line which went into production in 2003, to The company has implemented measures to reduce its environmental impact, such as the use of alternative fuels and the adoption of efficient waste management practices Ciment de Enfidha, made up of more than 200 of its own employees and 300 subcontractors, is committed to the company’s global corporate social responsibility strategy focused on the following pillars: ■ Promote the well-being of its employees. ■ Promote diversity within the human capital. ■ Developing social dialogue. ■ Reduce its environmental foo- tprint through better waste mana- gement and minimise its impact on the natural environment. ■ It is certified to ISO 14 001 (envi - ronmental management), as well as ISO 9001 (quality management) and ISO 45001 (occupational heal- th and safety management). As a result of these commitments, no workplace accidents have been re- corded since 2022. CSR Strategy Fábrica de Cementos de El Alto, en Morata de Tajuña, en Madrid cement replace petroleum coke with hea- vy fuel oil and to develop its posi- tions on the ready-mixed concre- te market through the acquisition of Select Béton. In recent years, Ciment de Enfid - ha has continued to invest in im- provements and expansion of its facilities. It has introduced more advanced technologies and in- creased its production capacity to meet growing market demand. In addition to its focus on cement production, Ciment de Enfidha has also placed emphasis on corporate social responsibility and sustaina- bility. The company has implemen- ted measures to reduce its envi- ronmental impact, such as the use of alternative fuels and the adop- tion of efficient waste management practices. The company currently has a ca- pital of 55,487,480,000 Tunisian dinars, which has been increased several times during the com- pany’s existence in order to increa- se its financial capacity and mini - mise its debt ratio. In 2022 it achieved a turnover of 256,502,621 dinars and in 2023 in the first five months it had a turno - ver of 126,743,309 dinars, throu- gh local sales and export of its own products. (CEM II 32.5; EMC I 42.5; EMC I 42.5 SR; LIME and CLINKER) certified by AENOR and AFNOR. B U S I N E S S B U S I N E S S 17