Somos FCC N27

water The company strengthens its presence in Colombia, where it operates in 32 municipalities in eight departments the department of Córdoba, in the Caribbean region of northern Co- lombia. On the other, it arrived in Villa del Rosario, in the metropoli- tan area of Cúcuta, in the depart- ment of Norte de Santander. There it won a public bidding pro- cess for the concession of the city’s public water supply and sewerage services. In October 2022, after winning a public tender, Aqualia began work in the municipality of Flandes, de- partment of Tolima, where it will serve a population of 62,000 inha- bitants for 20 years. In November 2022, the company also acquires five concession companies (Aguas de la Penín- sula, Aguas de Albania, Aguas de Aracataca, Aquamag and Aguas del Sur del Atlántico) operating in 11 municipalities in the depart- ments of La Guajira, Magdalena and Atlántico from the French company Saur. On that date it also acquired the company Aguas de la Sabana de Bogotá, which provides services in the industrial area around Bogotá in the municipalities of Funza, Cota and Tenjo. It also acquired the water and sewerage infrastructure of the companies Ruitoque and Energía y Agua, which serves 25,000 in- habitants in three municipalities in the department of Santander. World’s Best Water Company 2022 Aqualia is the water management company owned by the citizen services group FCC (51%) and the Australian ethical fund IFM In- vestors (49%). The company is the fourth largest water company in Europe by population served and the ninth largest in the world, according to the latest Global Wa- ter Intelligence ranking (Decem- ber 2022). The company has just been named “World’s Best Water Company 2022” at an international event in Berlin. It currently serves 43.7 million users in 16 countries: Algeria, Colombia, Chile, Czech Repu- blic, Egypt, France, Georgia, Italy, Mexico, Oman, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Spain, France, Georgia, Italy, Oman, Qa- tar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. B U S I N E S S B U S I N E S S 13