Somos FCC N27

environment Key player in energy recovery From 2019, the Millerhill CRRE will convert non-recyclable household and commercial waste into heat and electricity. The plant was developed by FCC Environment in partnership with Edinburgh and Midlothian coun- cils with an investment of £142 mi- llion, approximately €165.14 million, to design, finance, build and operate the facility for a period of 25 years. The plant currently diverts 155,000 tonnes of non-recyclable waste from landfill each year. According to Paul Taylor, the company’s ma- naging director, “the facility is an essential component in the coun- cils’ combined commitment to help achieve the Scottish Government’s Zero Waste target.” FCC Environment is a key player in energy recovery in the UK, whe- re, for example, its Eastcroft ener- gy recovery facility in Nottingham (England) supplied 357,962 MWht The plant will supply 3,000 homes, schools and businesses of steam energy in 2021 and has been feeding the city’s heating ne- twork since 1972. Workers inside the CRRE at Millerhill, Scotland. B U S I N E S S B U S I N E S S 10