We are FCC Nº26

The Spanish Royal National Academy of Me- dicine (RANME) has awarded the Spanish philanthropist and businesswoman Esther María Koplowitz y Romero de Juseu the Gold Medal of the Institution. This recognition for her philanthropic work in support of research and the practice of medicine was approved by the Governing Board of the Royal Corporation on 11 October 2022 following the proposal made by the Board of Directors on 6 July of the same year based on the Statutes and Re- gulations of the Royal Academy. The presentation of the Medal of Honour and Diploma will take place in the coming months. The Esther Koplowitz Foundation was officially constituted in December 1995, thus for - malising the work that its founder had been carrying out on a personal level since the seventies. Our activity is focused both on helping the most disadvantaged members of society and on supporting biomedical research and scientific progress, without forgetting the numerous actions to promote education and culture. Esther Koplowitz Medal of Honour of the Spanish Royal Academy of Medicine The Royal Academy recognises the Spanish philanthropist and businesswoman for the work carried out by the Foundation that bears her name as an Honorary Protector Member of the RANME. Esther Koplowitz Foundation 9