We are FCC Nº26

FCC agrees to sell a minority stake of 24.99% of the head of the Environment Area to the Canadian pension fund CPP Investments About CPP Investments On 1 June last, FCC signed an agree- ment for the sale to CPP Investments of 24.99% of the capital of its subsidiary FCC Servicios Medio Ambiente Hol- ding, S.A.U. (FCC Medio Ambiente). FCC Medio Ambiente and its na- tional and international subsidia- ries carry out various Environmen- tal Services activities through four main platforms: Spain and Portugal, UK, EEC and USA. The main aspects of this agreement are: ■ The price to be paid by CPP In- vestments for 24.99% of FCC Environment amounts to €965 mi- llion. ■ The closing of the transaction is subject to the usual conditions precedent (competition, autho- risation from financial institu- tions, etc.). A global management group for the 21 million contributors and beneficiaries of the Canada Pension Plan. With assets under management of C$570 billion as at 31 March 2023, of which C$487 billion are located outside Canada, in a wide range of sectors, including real estate, infrastructure, energy, debt, and public and private equity funds. ■ FCC will maintain its majority sha- reholding in FCC Medio Ambiente with 75.01%. ■ The main use of the funds will be to meet the FCC Group’s strate- gic opportunities and corporate needs. FCC Medio Ambiente plans to conti- nue with its current strategy, maintain its operations and commercial rela- tions (public administrations, private clients, suppliers, etc.), strengthen and develop our activities with the active participation and synergies derived from the incorporation of the new partner and the permanence of the company’s management team. Electric waste collection vehicle in Lower Austria. Allington Energy from Waste (EfW) plant in Kent, UK. Dallas recycling plant in Texas, USA. La Campiña Environmental Recycling Complex in Loeches, Madrid, Spain. 7