We are FCC Nº26

plant, a composting facility and a maintenance workshop, all with the aim of maximising the diversion of waste from landfill using the latest technology. FCC Environmental Services has been managing more than 600,000 tonnes of waste per year for the WPWMA since the start of the con- tract in July 2022. The company ma- nages the facility and is committed to the improvements of the renova- tion project, which will increase the overall recycling rate, reduce odours and maximise the waste-to-resour- ce process. It provides comprehensive waste management and re- cycling services to more than 11 million Americans and is one of the 15 largest companies in the sector in the United States, with a presence in the states of California, Texas, Florida, Nebraska and Iowa. In the last 12 months it has signed contracts worth $2.1 billion (around 1.92 bi - llion euros). Placer County has 410,000 inhabitants and is located a few miles from Sacramento, the capital of the state of California, whose metropolitan area has 2.2 million in- habitants. The contract, which will begin on 1 July, is to refurbish, modernise and operate the county’s existing 130-hectare Municipal Solid Waste Management Authori- ty complex to transform it into a high-level waste recovery and recycling centre. FCC in the United States Placer County Placer County Waste Recycling Center in Placer County, California (USA). It will be one of the largest plants of its kind in the world, with a capacity of 650,000 tonnes per year This contract represents a portfolio of almost 1,400 million euros T H E P L A C E 61 T H E P L A C E