We are FCC Nº26

FCC Environmental Services, a subsidiary of FCC Servicios Medio Ambiente in the United States, has begun work on the renovation of the Placer County Waste Recycling Cen- tre in California (USA), with a groun- dbreaking ceremony organised in the city of Roseville by the Western Placer Waste Management Authority (WPWMA). The event kicked off the construction phase of the contract, which will involve a total investment of 120 million dollars (about 110 mi- llion euros) and which, along with its operation, was awarded to the com- pany in April 2022. This contract will employ 215 people and represents a potential portfo- lio of 1.5 billion dollars (around 1.37 FCC begins renovation work on the Placer County Environmental Complex in California (USA) WPWMA board members and FCC Environmental Services executives, from right to left: Bonnie Gore: councillor, Placer County; Shanti Landon: councillor, Placer County; Scott Alvord: president, City of Roseville; Bill Haldin: councillor, City of Rocklin; Dan Brazil, vice president of Operations, FCC Environmental Services; Dan Karleskint: councillor, City of Lincoln; and Andrea Rodriguez, director of Engineering, FCC Environmental Services (Copyright and photo credits courtesy of Western Placer Waste Management Association). billion euros) for a term of up to 20 years. The recycling complex will be one of the world’s largest plants of its kind, with a capacity of 650,000 ton- nes per year. The new facilities will be state-of- the-art and will include a new ma- terials recovery plant, a construc- tion and demolition waste recycling T H E P L A C E 60