We are FCC Nº26

The two new sections awarded to FCC Construcción by the National Railway Company (CFR) are Lu- goj-Timisoara Est and Ales-Poieni. Both projects have a total value of more than 800 million euro and 42 months of execution, including six months of design. Lugoj-Timișoara Est section The Caransebes-Timisoara-Arad line consists of the remodelling and du- plication of an existing 54-kilometre section of electrified single track, with the aim of reaching a speed of 160 km/h for passenger trains and 120 km/h for freight trains. In addition, the drainage works will be enlarged and the carrying capacity of the platform will be increased with the necessary material replacements and consolida- tions, and the superstructure will be completely renovated. All stations and platforms will be up- graded to increase their capacity and meet new technological needs, and all buildings will be renovated in terms of installations and finishes. Pedes - trian walkways will be built and plat- forms will be lengthened and raised to comply with European standards. Aleșd-Poieni section This is the Cluj-Episcopia Bihor line, which is 52 km long and includes the modernisation of Bratca and Alesd stations, seven stations and the cons- truction of six stops. FCC Construcción continues to grow in Romania with two new railway contracts Railway section of the Pan-European Corridor in Romania. T H E P L A C E 57 T H E P L A C E