We are FCC Nº26

Last May, part of FCC Medio Ambien- te’s staff in Zaragoza took part in the “Ponle Freno” race, a solidarity event for road safety, the entire proceeds of which will go to a project in favour of traffic victims. This initiative shows FCC’s active commitment to road safety, and this activity has also managed to encou- rage the habit of sport among the company’s workers FCC Medio Ambiente takes part in the “Ponle Freno” race in Zaragoza The FCC Running Club took part in the Wings for Life World Run, held last May 2023 in Campo de las Nacio- nes (Madrid). A race in which all parti- cipants start at the same time, all over FCC’s Running Club runs again for a good cause the world, more than 14,600 teams. It doesn’t matter if you are a professio- nal athlete, an athlete for fun, or a be- ginner. There is no finish line. Instead, 30 minutes after the start, the Catcher Car starts its chase, overtaking run- ners and wheelchair participants one after the other. 100% of the entry fee and donations go directly to spinal cord research and will help to cure spinal cord injuries. The permanent attention to the safety, health and well-being of people in the workplace is a distinguishing feature of our organisation, making initiatives such as the Vive Saludable project grow, a commitment to the well-being of the people who form part of FCC. W E L L N E S S 54 W E L L N E S S