We are FCC Nº26

The participation of FCC employees in the last blood donation campaign launched with the Red Cross in March at the company’s corporate headquarters in Las Tablas and Federico Salmón (Madrid) has once again had a very favourable impact in view of the permanent need for blood in hospitals and the de- mand for transfusions. The solidarity of the donors who have approached the Red Cross mobile units has contributed to im- proving the lives of 333 patients. This figure has been possible thanks to the effective participation of 111 people in this challenge, whom the humanitarian institution would like to thank for their willingness, as a great example of generosity and collaboration, as well as those who, despite not having been able to do so, wanted to join the initiative. Thank you all for once again contributing to this cau- se of solidarity, “CoRazones que se buscan CoRa- zones que donen sangre”, and for joining forces with the commitment to SDG 3 Health and Wellbeing, one of the 17 SDGs reflected in the United Nations 2030 Agenda. FCC and the Red Cross work together every year to progressively register a greater number of donors and continue to raise social awareness of the per- manent need for blood in hospitals and the demand for transfusions to help other people. Each blood donation can save up to three lives, which is why they are nee- ded constantly and regularly, so that the reserves are maintained and do not go into red alert. The involvement, collaboration and solidarity of everyo- ne is essential, because with simple gestures like this we are saving a large number of lives. One donation, three lives Thank you all for your solidarity and generosity! W E L L N E S S W E L L N E S S 53