We are FCC Nº26

Category Occupational risk prevention Recognition of the commitment with proven effectiveness in the manage - ment of occupational risk prevention, specified in: significant milestones, implemented processes, innovative technical measures, entrepreneurial initiatives and any other fact that has favoured the control of these risks and the improvement of safety conditions. First prize ■ Project “Design and implementa- tion of street cleaning trolleys” for Zone III of the Madrid Delegation - LV Zone 6 (Madrid) of the Environ- ment area. Second prize (shared) ■ Candidature “LED lighting in the visitable galleries of the sewerage system” of Zone I of the Central Delegation - UTE Alacant Ma- drid Lot D of the Aqualia team. ■ Project presented by the Cons- truction area of Portugal “Demo- lition of beams, pillars and slabs by remote robot”, in the Luis Bívar Building. Category Health promotion Recognition for the work of promo- ting healthy values, habits and prac- tices, for the contribution to preser- ving and improving people’s health and well-being, and for innovative alternatives for a healthier working environment. First prize (shared) ■ Candidacy “Protocol for the ma- nagement of health, well-being and especially adaptation of posts for particularly sensitive and older workers” presented by the Casti- lla y León branch of FCC Medio Ambiente. ■ Five minutes of exercise at work programme” project submitted by the Álava, Vizcaya and Cantabria branch of the Bilbao Environment Internal Joint Venture. Second prize (shared) ■ Project “Prevention of musculos- keletal disorders” presented by the Aqualia team of the North-Asturias branch. ■ Project “Emotional well-being in Aqualia: Covid-19 Challenge” pre- sented by the Aqualia SSCC. Category Personal Mention Professional recognition for emplo- yees who have made an outstanding contribution to improving health and safety in the workplace in their area of responsibility: ■ Cipriano M. Castro González, pro- duction manager for FCC Construc- ción’s Middle East-Riyadh Metro. ■ The maintenance team (Ángel Luis Sánchez Sánchez, Ángel Fer- nández Pérez, José Feito García, Idahosa Igbinovia Imiefan Collins, Rodrigo Loreto Peña, Juan Manuel Alcaide Mellén) of the Corporate Safety and General Services De- partment. ■ Francisco Javier Casco Lozano, ETAP operator from Aqualia’s Ex- tremadura office. ■ Lara Martín Rodríguez, Valdemo- ro Garden Services technician for Zone III of the Environment Cen- tre Delegation. ■ Carlos Sánchez Serrano, factory manager of the Megaplas, S.A. Industrial Area. ■ Paulino Romero Nevado, head of Zone, Inspection and Sewe- rage Cleaning of Zone III of the Barcelona Capital and Balearic Islands Branch of FCC Medio Ambiente. ■ Amandino Da Silva Moura and Manuel Pereira, general mana- gers at RRC, Area I of Portugal for FCC Construcción. Felipe Bernabé García, general secretary of FCC, during his speech. Pedro Ledesma, head of occupational health and safety, FCC Group HR Department. W E L L N E S S W E L L N E S S 51