We are FCC Nº26

FCC holds its General Shareholders’ Meeting The FCC General Shareholders’ Meeting held on 14 June last in Ma- drid approved the annual accounts and management reports for the 2022 financial year, as well as all the items on the agenda. The mee- ting was chaired by Esther Alcocer Koplowitz, chairwoman of the FCC Group, and Pablo Colio Abril, CEO of the company. In her speech, Esther Alcocer Ko - plowitz cited some of the Group’s most important data and events in 2022, stressing to the shareholders that “the results achieved during the year have been truly satisfactory”. And she conveyed to them her most sincere optimism and firm hope for the new times. For his part, the CEO reviewed the results obtained by the FCC Group and by its business areas in 2022, which endorse the company’s high capacity to maintain and reinforce its solid position of success and leadership. In addition, Pablo Co - lio reviewed the main milestones achieved in the previous year, which featured prominently in his speech. Despite being a difficult year for the company as a whole, the CEO em - phasised that “at the FCC Group we have maintained our enthusiasm for obtaining excellent results and our commitment to building an increasin - gly profitable and valuable company”. The company’s great capital In their speeches, both expressed their gratitude to the Board of Di- rectors, the management team and all FCC employees for their efforts throughout 2022, a dedication that has contributed to FCC’s good re - sults and growth. In a very special way, Esther Alcocer Koplowitz re - ferred to FCC’s professionals as “the company’s great capital”. “Pro - fessionals who are behind each of the important milestones we have achieved throughout the year”. Commitment, confidence and effort Pablo Colio closed his speech at this General Shareholders’ Meeting by highlighting that “2022 has been a year of great progress, with posi - tive results that, without a doubt, we could not have achieved without the commitment, trust and effort of our professionals, more than 64,000, who have the experience and tech - nical training that guarantee us to offer effective and innovative solu - tions. You are all the key to the suc - cess of our future; you are a funda - mental pillar of the FCC Group”. Once again this year, Esther Alco - cer and Pablo Colio thanked the shareholders for their firm commit - ment to the company, their constant support and the trust they continue to place in the FCC Group. Pablo Colio Abril, CEO of the FCC Group, and Esther Alcocer Koplowitz, Chairwoman of the company, during the 2023 General Shareholders’ Meeting. VIDEO EXECUTIVE REPORT 5