We are FCC Nº26

Our commitment to improving environmental and energy performance is centred on the following principles: ■ Provide the necessary resources and means to guarantee, at all times, the es - tablishment and fulfilment of environmental and energy objectives and applica - ble legislation and regulations, including other commitments subscribed to with stakeholders with the will to go beyond strict compliance. ■ Promote a policy of continuous improvement in the management of production facilities, environmental aspects and energy use and consumption of the pro- ducts, activities and services over which we have influence, taking into account a life cycle analysis approach and promoting renewable energies. ■ Establish action plans and provide resources for their achievement aimed at rea - ching the objectives of energy transition and decarbonisation aligned with the sectoral, national and international strategy. ■ Incorporate environmental and energy considerations in strategic planning, in- vestment programmes and equipment acquisitions and deepen the progressive application of the best available techniques. ■ Facilitate the training and awareness of our employees so that they participate in and support the environmental and energy policy and objectives, respect the en - vironment and promote the efficient use of energy resources in their professional and personal performance. ■ Disseminate our sustainable environmental and energy principles to stakehol - ders, promoting communication and supporting the implementation of good en- vironmental and energy practices. ■ Promote the efficient use of energy resources by implementing energy saving and efficiency measures in processes and ensuring the control and monitoring of significant energy uses. ■ Identify the risks and opportunities of our activities in order to effectively plan the implementation of protection, prevention, action and remediation measures. ■ Promote the fight against climate change based on control, reduction of green - house gas emissions, adaptation and innovation towards the development of less carbon-intensive and environmentally friendly products. ■ Promote the sustainability of natural resources, introducing circular economy principles, encouraging the use of alternative raw materials and fuels. ■ Reduce wastewater discharges and optimise water consumption. ■ Favour the minimisation of waste, both hazardous and non-hazardous, encou - raging reduction, reuse or recycling, including energy recovery as opposed to disposal or dumping. ■ Conserve the natural environment of the facilities by adopting measures to re - duce, mitigate or restore any adverse impact on the environment caused by our extractive activities, preserving biodiversity. S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y 47 S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y