We are FCC Nº26

FCC Equal Madrid has carried out an art therapy activity in which they went to “Hoy pinto cerámica” (Today I paint ceramics), a pla- ce where they can develop their creativity through painting. On this occasion, cup-shaped ce - ramic pieces were chosen for a workshop that not only worked on the imagination, but also served to foster social relations, compa- nionship and healthy leisure. Artistic psychotherapy This activity is part of artistic psy- chotherapy, which intrinsically develops conflict resolution skills, communication problems and di- fficulties of expression and many other psychological aspects. Painting on any surface, not ne- cessarily a canvas, can be a means of expressing and expres- sing feelings and thoughts, espe- cially for people who find it difficult to do so. When this type of exerci- se is put into practice in a relaxed, pleasant and non-competitive en- vironment, great personal achie- vements can be achieved, such as improving concentration, redu- cing stress and anxiety, as well as sublimating other problems. This activity produces a state of men- tal relaxation, achieving harmony between the mind and the heart. Leaving aside the emotional as- pect and putting the focus on the physical level, fine motor skills are also developed, as through the use of the paintbrush one learns to regulate the movements of the hand and develop brain connec- tions related to this skill. FCC Equal Special Employment Centre goes one step further than job placement, and seeks the full inclusion of people with disabili- ties in society. Through this outing, not only is a productive and fun day achieved in which all the participants enjo- yed themselves and got to know leisure alternatives, but it also brings closer this objective of in- tegration and full development of the workers on a social and per- sonal level. FCC Equal boosts creativity through art therapy D I V E R S I T Y 25 D I V E R S I T Y