We are FCC Nº26

The company has joined the REDI ecosystem, the Business Network for LGBTI Diversity and Inclusion. The FCC Group company exports its innovative and sustainable mo- del to the world, continuing its in- ternational expansion driven by economic results and a strategy based on sustainability and inno- vation. Already ranked third in its sector in Spain in terms of con- tracting volume, and in the top 35 worldwide. FCC Construcción is committed to fostering an inclusive environment and valuing the talent of people regardless of their identity, gender expression or sexual orientation. It has a zero tolerance for discrimi- nation. REDI is the first ecosystem of companies and professionals in Spain that works to promote safe and respectful working environ- ments for all people, regardless of their identity, gender expression or sexual orientation. FCC Construcción promotes the creation of multidisciplinary teams made up of people with different profiles and with representation from all kinds of groups, genders, ages, abilities and talents. Business Network for LGBTI Di- versity and Inclusion (REDI) REDI is a non-profit association created in 2018 and formed by an ecosystem of more than 200 partners from all sectors and si- zes, connecting efforts to make their commitment to respect and FCC Construcción joins REDI, Business Network for LGBTI Diversity and Inclusion inclusion of LGBTI diversity more visible. Its vision is to contribute to eliminating the socio-cultural prejudices of LGBTI people that still hinder their professional de- velopment. By accompanying its partners, REDI activates and promotes res- pectful, inclusive and safe work spaces so that talent is valued regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expres- sion, so that all employees can be themselves and develop profes- sionally without fear of prejudice or stereotypes. Aqualia, the concessionaire of the integrated water management in the municipality of San Juan del Puerto (Huelva), and the Associa- tion of Special Youths of Moguer, Abriendo Puertas, are collaborating in an employment integration pro- gramme for people with disabilities in the town and surrounding area. Specifically, they will provide a wa - ter bill distribution service in the Huelva municipality. Aqualia’s Service Manager in San Juan del Puerto, Víctor Prieto, indi- cated that this type of action is part of Aqualia’s Sustainability policy and that the collaboration with the Abriendo Puertas association is an example of how social inclusion can have a positive impact on the com- munity in general: “It is important to continue supporting and collabora- ting with organisations that promo- te inclusion and equal opportunities for all people, to ensure that we all have access to the same services and opportunities in our society”, said Prieto. Aqualia is a pioneering company in the sector for its commitment to equality and diversity. The com- pany has received the “Equality in the company” award from the Ministry of Equality and has been a member of the Global Compact since 2020. Through the policies and standards that Aqualia sets for itself, it contributes to the glo- bal challenges in labour matters, including training, employability, equality, diversity, social inclu- sion and human rights. For Aqualia, sustainable water management is a fundamental axis for development and a dri- ver of change to promote a fairer and more egalitarian society, be- ing the first company in the sec - tor to be certified by AENOR in the achievement of the SDGs. Commitment to equality and diversity Aqualia and the “Abriendo Puertas” association collaborate on a job placement project in San Juan del Puerto, Huelva D I V E R S I T Y D I V E R S I T Y 24