We are FCC Nº26

The Torre Realia \The Icon buil- ding, located at Paseo de la Cas- tellana, number 216, in Madrid, has obtained the highest rating awarded by BREEAM in the mana- gement section. With this rating, the building joins a select group of 12 office buildings throughout the Madrid region. The BREEAM certificate is one of the most rigorous and demanding evaluation systems for office buil - dings in the real estate market, as it promotes construction, ope- ration and management aligned with sustainability. The building is assessed through 10 categories: management, energy, health and wellbeing, transport, water, pollu- tion, waste and ecology. These are the measures that have been assessed for the certificate and that go beyond good practice: ■ Value in waste management: In accordance with the principle of the three R’s (Reduce, Refuse and Recycle), eight types of was- te are separated in the building (Cardboard, toner, paper, fluo - rescent, button batteries, alka- line batteries, packaging, glass and coffee capsules). This provi - des an optimal basis for tenants to segregate as much waste as possible. ■ Torre Realia \The Icon and its urban context: The ecological value of the site is enhanced and biodiversity is promoted by placing nest boxes in the trees around the tower and on the roof, renewing some of the landsca- ping plants and minimising the use of phytosanitary products that have negative effects on bio - diversity. ■ Optimisation of consumption: The joint monitoring of energy and water consumption in com- mon and private areas of the building opens up many opportu- nities to reduce the consumption of resources. The Torre Realia \ The Icon building receives the highest BREEAM rating in the management section. ■ Rainwater harvesting: The wa- ter that falls on the heliport is re- covered from the roof and used for maintenance operations. In this way, we add another strate- gy to save water consumption in the building. ■ A responsible joint action: The actions carried out in the building would have a very limited im- pact if we did not have ‘suppliers who are equally committed to the environment’. Proof of this is that both the cleaning service company and the maintenance company have ISO 14001: envi- ronmental management system certification. In this way, we reaffirm our com - mitment to sustainability and to the quality of the service we provide to our customers. real estate B U S I N E S S B U S I N E S S 22