We are FCC Nº26

The Mar Menor, a natural treasure located in the Region of Murcia, is a saltwater lagoon with a surface area of 170 km2, the largest in Eu- rope. This lagoon is the habitat of numerous aquatic and terrestrial species, as well as being a tourist destination. Despite its name, the Mar Menor, when compared to the Mediterra- nean Sea, is much saltier, with a salinity of 40% compared to 3.5% in the Mediterranean. This high rate of salinisation is a result of the slow renewal of the lagoon water, in addition to the high eva- poration in the area. In 1992, the Mar Menor was decla- red a Regional Park and Special Protection Area for Birds (SPA) due to its ecological importance. In fact, in Roman times, the Mar Menor was known as “Lago de las Palomas” due to the large number of birds that inhabited the area. The lagoon has a great biodiver- sity and is home to a multitude of marine species, including more Groundwater threats Europe’s largest saltwater lagoon than 200 species of fish, such as sea bass, sea bream, grouper and conger eel. It is also home to threatened species. In recent years, the Mar Menor has suffered an important pro - cess of eutrophication due to nu- trient pollution, which has affec - ted its ecosystem, leading to the immediate and massive death of fish and all types of marine inver - tebrates. quence of an excessive supply of nutrients, mainly nitrogen and phos- phorus, to the aquatic ecosystem. The initiative comes shortly after the entry into force of RD 47/2022 on the protection of water against diffuse pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources. In addition to phytosanitary products and nutrients from agricultural acti- vity, NINFA incorporates the moni- toring of other sources of pollution, such as treated water, urban infiltra - tion (heavy metals, hydrocarbons, microplastics) and salt intrusion in coastal areas, as well as aggrava- ting phenomena such as droughts and floods. The results obtained in the NINFA project during operation in Los Alcá- zares will subsequently be used to analyse its feasibility in seven other locations, including installations in Spain, Holland, France, Colombia, Mexico and Egypt. This is one of three projects (along with Cheers and D4Runoff) that Aqualia has re - cently initiated thanks to co-funding (4 million euros) from the Horizon Europe programme, a key Euro- pean Union initiative for research and innovation until 2027. water B U S I N E S S B U S I N E S S 16