We are FCC Nº26

FCC Ámbito is the subsidiary of FCC Servicios Medio Ambiente specialising in the integrated management of industrial and commercial waste, recovery of by-products and soil decontamination. As a whole, it has a total of 39 treatment centres in Spain and Portugal, with more than 67 processing lines that guarantee the functionality of the facilities. FCC Servicios Medio Ambiente is the FCC Group com- pany that has been providing municipal services and in- tegrated waste management for 120 years, serving more than 60 million people in 5,200 municipalities around the world. In 2021, the company managed 24 million tonnes of waste and produced nearly four million tonnes of se- condary raw materials and waste-derived fuel. FCC Ámbito contributes its extensive experience in the recycling and commercialisation of secondary raw mate- rials to the definition of the operational processes in the development of the projects arising from this alliance. The incorporation of new technologies in this type of project will allow FCC Ámbito to consolidate and position itself as a key player in the country’s circular economy processes, a fundamental pillar of FCC Environment’s 2050 Sustai- nability Strategy. This Sustainability Strategy consists of a 30-year busi- ness development roadmap that integrates very deman- ding objectives and commitments with high added value for the company and society as a whole, and which are grouped into four lines of action: environmental, social, excellence and good governance. Aligned with FCC Environment’s Sustainability Strategy 2050 environmental B U S I N E S S B U S I N E S S 13