We are FCC Nº26

in renewable energy, and FCC Servicios Medio Ambiente, a lea- der in waste management services in Spain and Portugal, “together, we will look to leverage the indivi- dual strengths of each company to bring circularity to the lithium-ion battery ecosystem in the Iberian Peninsula. This collaboration supports our ambition to grow our recycling bu- siness in new markets. We are ex- cited to drive this initiative in Spain, where Glencore has operated one of the world’s largest zinc smelters since 1960. At Glencore, we see production waste and post-consumer mate- rials as valuable resources that will help meet the growing demand for the critical metals that underpin the energy transition and the global ambition to achieve net-zero emis- sions”. María Jesús Kaifer, technical direc- tor and head of Circular Economy at FCC Ámbito, highlighted that “with this collaboration, our com- pany continues its pursuit of stra- tegic growth objectives, on which it has been working, such as the development of recycling solutions for materials related to the energy transition. It is a continuation of our efforts to recover the resources contained in waste to minimise dependence on raw materials. The recycling of lithium-ion ba- tteries is a challenge that we are facing together with two leading companies in their sectors, Iber- drola and Glencore, in order to join forces to ensure the necessary re- cycling capacities”. Álvaro Portellano, head of PER- SEO Venture Builder at Iberdrola, commented that “sustainable bu- siness models are at the core of Iberdrola’s strategy, demonstrated by more than two decades of lea- dership in the global renewable in- dustry and in driving the transition to a decarbonised economy. At Iberdrola, we see this new colla- boration as a valuable opportunity to contribute to the circularity of the elements of the energy transition that we are driving, as well as ex- panding the scope of our success- ful partnership with FCC, which is already addressing the recycling of wind turbine blades. In 2020, the PERSEO Venture Builder programme was launched to promote the development of in- novative industries such as, among others, those related to the circular economy. In that sense, we are excited to combine that objective with the strengths and capabilities of Glencore and FCC, global lea- ders in the natural resources and waste management industries, respectively, to lead the recycling of lithium-ion batteries in the Ibe- rian Peninsula.” This collaboration reinforces the circular economy strategies of FCC and Iberdrola, which are already working to address the recycling of wind turbine blades The plant, which will be operated by FCC Ámbito, will enable the pre-separation of lithium-ion batteries for subsequent refining environmental B U S I N E S S B U S I N E S S 12