We are FCC Nº22

FCC Environmental Services, a subsidiary of FCC Servicios Me- dio Ambiente that provides com- prehensive waste management and recycling services in the Uni- ted States, has been awarded the contract to renovate and operate an environmental complex for the treatment of municipal solid was- te (MSW) in Placer County, Cali- fornia. The contract represents a portfolio of up to 1.5 billion dollars (approximately 1.4 billion euros) for a 10-year term and two possi- ble five-year extensions. The investment in the facility will be $141 million (about 133 million euros) and will employ 215 people. With a total capacity of 650,000 tonnes per year, it will be one of the largest plants of its kind in the world. 410,000 inhabitants Placer County has 410,000 inha- bitants and is located just a few miles from Sacramento, the capi- tal of the state of California, whose metropolitan area has 2.2 million inhabitants. The contract, which will begin on 1 July, is to refurbish, revamp and operate the county’s existing 130-hectare MSW Mana- gement Authority complex to trans- form it into a high-level waste reco- very and recycling centre. The facility will include a state-of- the-art MSW sorting and recycling plant, a construction and demoli- tion waste treatment plant, a com- posting plant for organic, food and pruning waste, a clean point and a depot for the disposal of rejects. environment With this contract, FCC Servicios Medio Ambiente is extending its al- ready notable presence in the USA to the state of California, which has a GDP 2.5 times higher than Spain’s, making it the world’s fifth largest economy. With 40 million inhabitants, California is the most populous state in the country and the largest producer of MSW, as well as the most advanced in terms of environmental requirements and recycling regulations. FCC Environmental Services ser- ves nearly 9 million people in the United States and is already one of the largest MSW management companies in the country, with a presence in the three most popu- lous US states, California, Texas and Florida, as well as the states of Nebraska and Iowa. In recent years, it has accumulated a port- folio of signed contracts for more than 4.5 billion dollars (around 4 billion euros). The contract represents a portfolio of some 1.4 billion euros It will be one of the largest plants of its kind in the world B U S I N E S S 9 B U S I N E S S