We are FCC Nº22
Strategy and objectives The new plan gives continuity to the current implemen- tation, reinforcing certain areas and redirecting previous strategies where there is room for improvement. The ge- neral objectives of the implementation are: • To promote, with the impetus of the company’s di- rectors, a digitalisation focused on people, throu- gh a philosophy of “leaving no one behind” and based on training and an appropriate communi- cation strategy. • Incorporate tools that facilitate work in all phases of the life cycle of people, progressively promo- ting the use of mobile devices for the manage- ment of works. New digital processes are defined that will facilitate the control of activity in the di- fferent areas, mainly in technical-economic con- trol, as well as PRL, Quality, works/asbuilt docu- mentation, etc. • To deploy a work system based on the new ISO 19650 (BIM) standard, replicable in all FCC Cons- trucción projects, both national and international, which will also result in a gain in competitiveness, aligned with the new Document and Knowledge Management Programme (Alejandría). Example of technical-strategic planning with BIM technology in the Santiago Bernabéu Stadium. BIM viewer, used in the review of projects by the users of a site. Final sketch of the Santiago Bernabéu Stadium Remodelling project (Madrid). Integration of BIM technology with the GIS geographic information system for project monitoring, management of affected services, permits or noise pollution. I N N O V A T I O N 61 I N N O V A T I O N
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