We are FCC Nº22
FCC Construcción is committed to the implementation of BIM, a new step towards digitalisation BIM Implementation Plan - Digital Construction 2022-2025 FCC Construcción has a new BIM Implementation Plan - Digital Cons- truction 2022-2025. As part of a stra- tegy based on innovation and sustai- nability, the company continues to be committed to promoting digitalisation. Over the last few years, FCC Cons- trucción employees have participated in projects being developed using the innovative BIM methodology, and they have been able to see how it en- hances and improves functions. Continuity to a pioneering plan The BIM Implementation Plan - Di- gital Construction 2022-2025 gives continuity to a pioneering plan in the sector, developed years ago by the company. Particularly noteworthy is the commitment to the increasing use of technical-economic control tools, which must have continuity throu- ghout the life cycle of the project. In this sense, progress is being made in their implementation on sites, whe- re BIM pilots will become the new way of developing FCC Construcción’s ac- tivity. Key to this new approach will be obtaining UNE-EN ISO 19650 certifi - cation in 2022 for ‘Organisation and digitisation of information in building and civil engineering works using BIM’, which will make BIM and infor- mation management crucial to impro- ving project management. The integration of BIM (Building In- formation Modelling) and GIS (Geo- graphic Information Systems) is pro- posed as an aid to all teams during construction (affected services, ex - propriations, permits, geotechnical campaign, noise effects, etc.), mainly in large linear works. More transversal digitisation In addition to promoting the imple- mentation of platforms on construc- tion sites that will improve productivity through the use of mobile devices, di- gitisation will become more transver- sal with the deployment of corporate control panels that, taking advantage BIM planning on the A9 Badhoevedorp-Holendrech motorway project (The Netherlands). of data from planning, budgeting, de- sign, etc. applications, will facilitate analysis and decision-making. This plan deals with digitalisation beyond BIM. The people who make up FCC Construcción must commit to their own transformation by trying to take advantage of the many tools available to them. This impulse must result in an improvement in proces- ses and, ultimately, in greater work productivity. The company is committed to the de- velopment of the plan, as well as to the various digital transformation ini- tiatives it is currently developing. I N N O V A T I O N 60 I N N O V A T I O N
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