We are FCC Nº22
higher than at the end of 2020, ex- plained by the substantial increase achieved by the net profit and the effect of the full consolidation of Rea - lia and Jezzine. Net financial debt as of 31 December last year amounted to 3,225.7 million euros, which represents an increase of 427.9 million euros compared to 2020. This increase is a consequence of the full consolidation of Realia and Jezzine’s debt in the Real Estate area with an additional amount of 889.7 mi - llion euros at the end of the year. Message of confidence Pablo Colio ended his speech with a message of confidence to share - holders, telling them that “the FCC Group and each of its businesses are focusing their strategy on strengthe- ning their competitive position in key markets in which they are currently present; and on growing selectively in those new markets that are at- tractive and that are aligned with the company’s corporate culture and risks”. He also pointed out that “pro- moting sustainable development has been and will continue to be one of the Group’s strategic vectors throu- gh the promotion of the construction and management of sustainable and resilient infrastructures; the pro- motion of the circular economy and the efficient use of water; and the Group’s contribution to climate chan- ge adaptation and mitigation”. The FCC Group and each of its businesses are focusing their strategy on strengthening their competitive position in key markets in which they are currently present; and on growing selectively in those new markets that are attractive and that are aligned with the company’s corporate culture and risks . Pablo Colio Abril Managing Director of the FCC Group 2021 was a demanding year for FCC, and an extraordinary one in terms of results. A year in which we have once again demonstrated our great ability to turn every challenge into an opportunity . Esther Alcocer Koplowitz Chairman of the FCC Group Annual Report 2021 Executive Summary 2021 F C C G R O U P 6 F C C G R O U P
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