We are FCC Nº22
On the left, Juan Luis Castillo, Director of Zone II of Aqualia; and on the right, José Mª Juncadella, President of Asepeyo. Recognition to Aqualia for its preventive work at the 10th edition of the Asepeyo Awards The Community of Madrid recognises FCC Medio Ambiente and Aqualia’s “Good Practices for the prevention and control of COVID-19” Aqualia has been recognised for its preventive track record at the 10th edition of the Asepeyo Antoni Serra Santamans Awards for best pre- ventive practices. These awards, organised by the mutual company, aim to recognise those associated companies that have stood out for their results in terms of occupatio- nal risk prevention. Juan Luis Castillo, director of Zone II of Aqualia, received the award from José Mª Juncadella, president of Asepeyo, at the awards cere- mony, which was held at the Museu Marítim in Barcelona. Asepeyo awards Aqualia this dis- tinction for its application of com- prehensive People and Culture poli- cies through the Be Aqualia project. This initiative includes different as - pects such as the improvement of the culture of prevention, physical and emotional health, diversity, the promotion of healthy habits and professional commitment. FCC Medio Ambiente and Aqualia received awards at the ceremony for the 2021 Occupational Risk Pre- vention (ORP) Recognitions and Mentions for “Good Practices for the prevention and control of COVID-19 in companies” by the Regional Ins- titute for Occupational Safety and Health of the Community of Madrid. This special mention was received in the category of ‘Companies with more than 50 workers’. The ceremony took place at the headquarters of the Community of Madrid, where Francisco José Huete, FCC Medio Ambiente’s Ma- nagement Systems Manager, and Santiago Lafuente, Aqualia’s Spain Manager, accepted the award from Alfredo Timermans, Deputy Minister of Employment of the Community of Madrid. W E L L N E S S W E L L N E S S 53
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