We are FCC Nº22
Towards sustainable development Integrated water cycle management re- mains one of the key factors for success on the road to sustainable development. The UN declared 2018-2028 as the Internatio- nal Decade for Action “Water for Sustai- nable Development”. This provides society with a framework for action to accelerate the achievement of SDG 6 - Clean Water and Sanitation, and its respective targets, by joining efforts to address water-related challenges and thus the rest of the goals of the 2030 Agenda. Sustainability as a cross-cutting issue The company has recently presented its 2023 Strategic Plan, in which it integrates sustainability as a cross-cutting aspect. Thus, Aqualia addresses its commitment through measurable and quantifiable ob - jectives that allow its contribution to the 2030 Agenda to be known. One of the strategic lines defined in the plan is climate emergency and care for the environment. First company in the sector to be certified for achieving the SDGs The raison d’être of Aqualia, the first com - pany in the sector to be certified by AENOR in the achievement of the Sustainable De- velopment Goals (SDGs), is the protection of water as an essential element for the progress and development of societies. By integrating these objectives in the core of its business strategy, the company colla- borates in the generation of solutions, me- asures and concrete actions that facilitate the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for a better planet and leaving no one behind. Wastewater Treatment Plant in Medina del Campo (Valladolid) ■ Aqualia is carrying out the MARadentro project to build a 400 m 2 infiltration system for the advanced treatment of treated water and its reuse in aquifer recharge. Although recharge management has been used for decades, there is insufficient knowledge of the purification mechanisms and the micro - biology involved in the process. ■ Aqualia’s objective with this project is to reduce pressure on water resources by developing innovative techniques and ope- rational guidelines for better management of water reuse through low-cost treatment. In addition, the design and operation tool aims to avoid the occurrence of pathogens, nutrients and organic pollutants in the wa- ter used for reuse. S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y 47 S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y
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