We are FCC Nº22
resources, which have resulted in a significant reduction in the water captured from the aquifers. The company invests in technolo- gy and innovation with the aim of achieving efficient water manage - ment and provides administrations and citizens with smart solutions that enable greater control and more sustainable consumption. Thanks to the development of its own monitoring and measurement programmes, integrated in the Aqualia LIVE modular integrated management platform, the com- pany has increased the efficiency of the water distribution networks it manages globally by two points. The digitalisation of these proces- ses allows Aqualia to collaborate Aqualia has modern control and communication systems, powerful machinery and state- of-the-art industrial facilities for the management of the complete water cycle. with public administrations to solve the problem of leaks in the water distribution networks posed by the European Directive 2020/2184, re- lating to water intended for human consumption S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y 45 S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y
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