We are FCC Nº22
FCC Medio Ambiente has signed a collaboration agreement with the Madrid Employment Agency to promote the hiring of people with difficulties in finding work. The sig - ning was attended by Miguel Án- gel Redondo, delegate of the Eco- nomy, Innovation and Employment Area of the Government of Madrid, in his capacity as managing di- rector of the Madrid Employment Agency, and José María Meneses, manager of the Agency. Represen- ting FCC Medio Ambiente were Luis Suárez, director of Human Resources, and Raúl Pérez, ma- nager of the Madrid branch office. This agreement seeks to streng- then collaboration in labour inter- mediation and job training, with the aim of establishing a public-private relationship that will lead to greater efficiency in incorporating unem - ployed people into the job market. Both entities signed the agreement as part of their commitment to the full integration of people to improve their quality of life and promote so- cial cohesion. FCC Medio Ambiente has thus become the first company in the sector to sign this type of agree- ment, which is an endorsement of the company’s commitment to an inclusive economy, solidarity and social responsibility. The company once again reaffirms its commitment to the development of more sustainable communities based on equality, resilience and the inclusion of various groups through the design and implemen- tation of social sustainability prac- tices. FCC Medio Ambiente and the Madrid Employment Agency sign a collaboration agreement to promote the hiring of people with job placement difficulties Signing of the collaboration agreement between FCC Medio Ambiente and the Madrid Employment Agency. First company in the sector to sign this type of agreement D I V E R S I T Y D I V E R S I T Y 40
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