We are FCC Nº22

The work “Clean Water for Algeciras” signed by the journalist Raquel Monte - negro, published in Europa Sur, about the end of dumping on the coastline of Algeciras, the proper treatment of wastewater and the transformation that all this has meant for this area of the city, has won the 6th Aqualia Jour - nalism Award. The jury chose Montenegro’s work for the quality of the work, its informative approach and its usefulness for ci - tizens. Felix Parra, CEO of Aqualia, FCC culminates its participation in Spain’s biggest league of football companies. The two teams that have represented the FCC Group in Fut - bolempresas this year have reached the semi-finals of the Europa League, facing each other in a duel that ended in a thrilling penalty shoot-out. The two teams that have represented FCC in this competition, made up of more than 140 companies, are made up of employees from all business areas, and they are: Antonio Ruiz, David Borrego, Fernando Pascual, Pepe Vivero, Rodrigo Punta, Miguel Ángel Montero, Juan Carlos Lozano, Alberto Aznar, Pedro García-Conde, Jesús Paramio, Fernando Gonzá - lez, Jose Manuel García, making up the team in blue; and Sergio Mingo, Gustavo García Rodríguez, Valentín Ortiz, Alberto Cadenas, Sergio Peña, Carlos Escribano, Juan Antonio Se - rrano, Oscar Olivares, Luis Estre - FCC’s two teams reach the semi-finals of the Futbolempresas Europa League “Clean Water for Algeciras”, winning report of the 6th Aqualia Journalism Prize MORE INFORMATION presented the award at a ceremony held at the Madrid Press Association (APM). The first runner-up prize went to Va - nesa de la Cruz for her article “Water: increasingly scarce and not very re - newable” for El Colombiano. The Co - lombian journalist received the award from Luis de Lope, Aqualia’s Interna - tional Director. Eva González, with her article for El Confidencial “Vamos a llenar el depósito del coche con los purines de los cerdos” (“We are going to fill the car’s tank with pig slurry”), received the second runner-up prize from Miguel Ángel Noceda, president of the Federation of Spanish Press As - sociations (FAPE). Family photo of the award winners, together with Aqualia executives. Family photo of the two teams with which FCC took part in the tournament. mera, Rubén Villaluenga and Carlos Hernández Laste, dressed in green. This initiative, developed within the framework of the VIVE Saludable (Live Healthy) Programme, aims to promote physical activity and sports practice within the organisation, un - derstanding them as a fundamental value for people’s wellbeing. More than 400 companies have taken part in the competition over the last few years. It is a very enriching experience that promotes, through sport, well-being and companionship among the players beyond the work environment, who share their motiva - tion, dedication and time for an initia - tive that at the same time allows them to strengthen ties and practice this activity as a team. P E O P L E 33 P E O P L E