We are FCC Nº22

The solidarity of FCC employees has an impact on 288 lives after the latest blood donation campaign A permanent need The participation of FCC employees in the latest blood donation campaign set up with the Red Cross between 20 and 23 June at the company’s corporate headquarters in Las Ta - blas and Federico Salón (Madrid) has once again had a very favoura - ble impact in view of the permanent need for blood in hospitals and the demand for transfusions. The solidarity of the donors who came to the Red Cross mobile units set up in front of the buildings at both sites FCC and the Red Cross current - ly have a great challenge ahead of them: to progressively register a greater number of donors, and to continue generating social awa - reness of the permanent need for blood in hospitals and the demand for transfusions to help other people. At least one out of every 10 people admitted to a Spanish hospital every day needs a blood transfusion. Donating blood regularly is ne - cessary, especially in the current health context, so that the reserves continue to be maintained and do not go into red alert. Only 450 milli - has contributed to improving the lives of at least 288 patients. This figure has been possible thanks to the effec - tive participation of 96 people, whom we thank for their great example of generosity and collaboration, as well as those who, despite not being able to do so, wanted to join the initiative. In this regard, the institution thanks FCC for once again contributing to this cause of solidarity, ‘CoRazones que se buscan CoRazones que do - nen sangre’, and for joining forces with the SDG3 commitment ‘Health and Wellbeing’, one of the 17 SDGs reflected in the United Nations Agen - da 2030. We are looking forward to seeing you in the next campaign! litres of blood are needed to save at least three lives and to achieve this, the involvement, collaboration and solidarity of all of us is necessary. These campaigns of collaboration with the Red Cross are carried out two or three times a year, respec - ting the established vital times that allow a new donation to be made. P E O P L E 28 P E O P L E