We are FCC Nº22

The meeting was brought to a close by Felipe B. García, the company’s general secretary, who also stressed the importance of sustaina - bility, and of the meeting itself, in fostering and strengthening ties. Felipe B. García, general secretary of the FCC Group, brought the meeting to a close. Miguel Coronel, the Group’s Director of Markets and Management Control, analysed the role of green bonds. Cristina López Barranco, Director of Coordination and Control of the FCC Group’s Legal Services, moderated a round table where the company’s business areas addressed the challenges presented by sustainability. Fostering and strengthening ties This was followed by a round table discussion mo - derated by Cristina López Barranco, director of Coordination and Control of the FCC Group’s Le - gal Services, with the participation of Antonio Bur - gueño, director of Quality, CSR and R&D&I at FCC Construcción; Arturo Furones, head of Corporate Development and Projects in the Corporate Strate - gic Planning Department of the Cementos Portland Valderrivas Group; Víctor Santamaría, from the FCC Environment Studies Department; Enrique Hernán - dez, Aqualia’s Director of Management Systems, Sustainability and Risks; and Antonio Núñez, Tech - nical Director of Realia and of the FCC Group’s real estate area, who discussed sustainability as one of the main current challenges for all business areas. The last talk was given by Miguel Coronel, director of Markets and Management Control at the FCC Group, who highlighted the important role that green bonds could play as a way of financing or refinancing green projects in responsible waste management. P E O P L E 25 P E O P L E