We are FCC Nº22

The Cementos Portland Valderri- vas Group is committed to reducing the pollution that causes climate change on the planet through its actions and to forming part of the #PorElClima Community, a pionee- ring initiative of people, companies, organisations and public adminis- trations that unite with a common objective: to be protagonists in the action against climate change in ac- cordance with the guidelines set out in the Paris Agreement. The Group’s management is awa- re that climate change is one of the main challenges facing socie- ty globally, and its mitigation is at the heart of the European Green Pact, which aims to achieve cli- mate neutrality in the European Union by 2050. To achieve this, the Group has established energy transition and climate neutrality plans for each of its production centres that include actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions derived from its activity, as well as to promote the circular economy, improve energy efficien - cy, use renewable energies and protect biodiversity. As part of this strategy, the plan presented by the Mataporquera factory has been included among the 101 Business Initiatives of Ac- tions #PorElClima 2021 in Spain, which recognise the commitment and climate ambition of Spanish companies, while at the same time giving visibility to the actions im- plemented to address the climate emergency. Key player in initiatives against climate change It is of enormous relevance that a cement factory has been included by this Community and, above all, it is a great recognition for the company that the Spanish Ministry of Ecological Transition and De- mographic Challenge has chosen Cementos Portland Valderrivas Group, which is a great boost to its environmental and sustainability policies. N E G O C I O S 20 B U S I N E S S cemento