We are FCC Nº22

Lines of work cement Increasing the use of decarbonised raw mate- rials and improving the efficiency of the thermal process. With these measures, it is estimated that the emission factor can be reduced to 715 Kg CO 2 /t clinker in 2030, achieving a reduction of 71,000 tonnes of CO 2 per year, equivalent to a 50% reduction in this process compared to 1990. The reduction actions are complemented with the calculation of the carbon footprint, including emission sources not subject to the ETS Directi- ve, and reduction targets involving customers and suppliers. Collaborating with waste pro- ducers in the catchment area to improve preparation prior to recovery, with the aim of consolidating a thermal subs- titution rate of 80%, a biomass use of 40% and a use of alter- native raw materials of 10% by 2030. Improving the efficiency of installa - tions and equipment, increasing the mix of renewable energies, boos- ting digitalisation and including arti- ficial intelligence and expert control systems. Through actions in the quarry and degraded areas in colla- boration with public entities and interested social agents with the aim of improving the biodiversity of the environ- ment. Collaborating in feasibility studies for the applica- tion of new technologies together with specialised companies and research groups. Under study, pro- cesses for the capture, transport and subsequent use of CO 2 , generation and use of green hydrogen as fuel and, in general, the implementation of BATs and emerging techniques for the manufacture of cement. 2. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions 1. Strengthening the circular economy 3. Increasing thermal and electrical energy efficiency in the different stages of the manufacturing process 4. Protecting biodiversity 5. Promote R&D&I initiatives B U S I N E S S 19 B U S I N E S S