We are FCC Nº22

The Mataporquera factory’s Energy Transition Plan contributes to meeting the objectives of the European Green Pact and the Climate Change and Energy Transition Act The plan of the Mataporquera factory (Canta- bria), whose ultimate goal is to achieve climate neutrality by 2050, is developed in circular eco- nomy, greenhouse gas emissions, energy effi - ciency, biodiversity and R&D&i. The Cementos Portland Valderrivas Group, to which the Mataporquera factory belongs, is aware that the fight against the climate emer - gency is one of the main challenges facing so- ciety globally. cement After a detailed analysis, five lines of work are proposed, taking into account the current context of the factory, the technological, human and eco- nomic resources, the applicable legislation, the expectations of stakeholders and the need for investment. B U S I N E S S 18 B U S I N E S S