We are FCC Nº22

Íñigo Sanz Pérez General Manager of FCC Environmental Services What does the acquisition of Premier Waste Services LLC mean for FCC? It is a very important milestone in our history in the USA. After several years of strong and sustained organic growth, we will combine the continuity of this growth in new tenders with the selective acquisition of strategic assets and companies that will allow us to increase our pre- sence in the North American market even more rapidly. How does the activity of Premier Waste Ser- vices LLC complement the business of FCC Environmental Services in the USA? Premier is one of the leading commercial collec- tion companies in the Dallas-Fort Worth market, which with 6.7 million people is one of the four most populous metropolitan areas in the U.S. The addition of its customer base to FCC’s exis- ting portfolio in that area, the addition of a large team of market specialists and the recycling of the nearly 20,000 tons of cardboard that Premier collects at our Dallas facility present a combina- tion of synergies that will foster our vertical inte- gration and future development in that market. What message did you convey to the Premier Waste Services LLC team after their purchase? Firstly, a sincere thank you to the team directly involved in the purchase transaction, which was completed in record time and in the middle of the Christmas holidays. Secondly, to the rest of the team, to highlight the strategic importance of the first acquisition of a company, the priority of integrating it as quickly as possible at an ope- rational level and the significant precedent that this purchase represented as an initial milestone for other possible acquisitions in the future. What benefits will this acquisition bring to the local community? Prior to the acquisition, Premier had a signifi - cant amount of waste for recycling, but not all of its commercial customers had the separate co- llection service to enable them to recycle. Pre- mier’s integration into the largest recycling com- pany in Texas, FCC, presents all of them with the added possibility of being able to recycle all of their materials at our Dallas facility, which was awarded the best in the US in 2017. environment B U S I N E S S 11 B U S I N E S S I N T E R V I E W