We are FCC Nº22

First acquisition in the United States FCC Environmental Services has made its first acquisition in the North American market with the recent purchase of Premier Waste Services LLC, for a total enterprise value of 34 million dollars (about 31.2 million euros). Premier has been providing commercial solid waste collection services in the Dallas-Fort Worth metropolitan area in the state of Texas for more than 20 years and handles more than 4,000 contracts, with a fleet of 59 trucks and more than 5,000 containers. The historical pre- sence of this company in the main commercial market in Texas, together with the experience of its workforce, assets, commercial portfolio and synergies with FCC’s current business in the Dallas area, will be a real catalyst for the growth of FCC’s business in that area. Íñigo Sanz, CEO of FCC Environmental Ser- vices, said that “Premier’s company profile fits like a glove with our growth strategy in Da- llas-Fort Worth, the fourth largest metropoli- tan area in the United States”. The company’s CEO said: “The complemen- tarities and synergies it presents to our exis- ting commercial and recycling business are extremely important and very promising. “To date, our growth in the country has only been organic. With this transaction, we are entering a new phase in which the combination of or- ganic development with selective acquisitions will further enhance our business and its futu- re growth rate,” he explained, noting the im- portant role that this action plays in the com- pany’s current growth. environment B U S I N E S S 10 B U S I N E S S