We are FCC - n20

FCC renews its commitment to the ONCE Foundation and will hire 900 persons with disabilities Background Felipe B. García Pérez, Secretary General of the FCC Group, and Al- berto Durán, Executive Vice Presi- dent of Fundación ONCE, Alberto Durán, have renewed the Inserta Agreement, which was signed by them for the first time in 2009 and which, on this occasion, will result in hiring 125 persons with disabilities over the next three years. 895 per - sons with disabilities will have been hired since the start of the collabo- ration. This agreement is part of the opera- tional programmes for Youth Emplo- yment and Social Economy (POEJ) and Social Inclusion and Social Eco- nomy (Poises) being developed by Fundación ONCE through Inserta Empleo, with the joint funding of the European Social Fund, and which seek to increase the training levels and employment opportunities of persons with disabilities. Felipe B. García Pérez explains that “FCC has a solid culture and va- lues, which have always been the main driving agent behind its talent and diversity programmes. One of our Group’s main objectives is to ensure the commitment to sustaina- bility by means of promoting socia- lly-responsible actions that respond to the expectations of our stakehol- ders. Therefore, FCC is committed to promoting the social inclusion of persons with disabilities, integrating them into our company”. Moreover, Alberto Durán mentioned that “thanks to partners like FCC, we have managed to make huge pro- gress on helping persons with disa- bilities find a job, especially in such a complicated scenario like the one caused by the pandemic”. Further - more, in his opinion, the fact that a group as important as FCC is com- mitted to diversity, “will encourage many other companies to join this cause, because they will see that the incorporation of persons with disabi- lities into the workforce is something that can be materialised effectively”. FCC will continue to count on Inser- ta Empleo, Fundación ONCE’s tra- ining and employment entity, to fill new positions, pre-select the people who best fit the required profiles and provide training to all staff, which will allow them to perform the tasks as- signed. The agreement also contemplates the promotion of other actions that indirectly foster the employment of persons with disabilities, through the acquisition of goods and the contrac - ting of services from special employ- ment centres. In 2009, FCC’s Environment Division in Barcelona signed an agreement with Inserta Empleo, which resulted in the hiring of 73 people with disa- bilities. The results achieved were very positive, so both entities signed an agreement in November 2010, which was adhered to by all of the company’s business areas, making the commitment to hire 150 persons with disabilities over the next 3 years. The collaboration agreement was re- newed on May 2014 after achieving the goals set forth, with the commit- ment to hire 125 persons with disabi- lities over the next 3-year period. Li - kewise, the agreement was renewed again on 13 March 2017, with the aim of hiring an additional 125 persons with disabilities over the next 3-year period. Alberto Durán, executive vice-president of Fundación ONCE, during the signing of the agreement, together with the secretary general of the FCC Group, Felipe B. García Pérez. WATCH VIDEO 9