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FCC Construcción voted “Company of the Year 2021”. Bradfield Metro Consortium shortlisted for Sydney Metro extension project (Australia) Inauguration of the new Plaza de España in Madrid, built by FCC Construcción Completion of the first phase of the new Baleares Quay in Tarragona Harbour Contract awarded for the standard gauge implementation works on the Mediterranean corridor Prefabricados Delta, winner of the Technical Innovation Award at “SMAGUA 2021”. Renewal of the carbon footprint, offsetting and carbon dioxide absorption projects registry The Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg has recognised, at the 7th edition of its “Com- pany of the Year” awards, the great track record of FCC Construcción and its relevan- ce in both the international and European markets, highlighting its leadership and competitiveness within its sector and its contribution to projecting the “Spain Brand” in Belgium. Pablo López Álvarez, president of the Chamber, emphasised that “the Haren mega-pri- son project is an ambitious Spanish engineering pro- ject in Belgium”. FCC Construcción has renewed for the ninth time its registration in the Registry of Carbon Footprint, Offsets and Carbon Dioxide Absorption Projects of the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, thus obtaining the Calculate and Reduce seal. The new quay built by FCC Construcción will support the tourist cruise ship ter- minal with the capacity to berth two large vessels, larger than 230 metres. The longitudinal wall of Ba- leares Quay, in its first pha - se of development, has a straight front 461.4 metres in length. The quay’s structure is made up of an aligned set of 11 prefabricated reinforced concrete caissons, built using the Mar del Aneto floating dock, owned by FCC Construcción. During the 25th Internatio- nal Water and Irrigation Ex- hibition “SMAGUA 2021” held in Zaragoza, Prefa- bricados Delta presented as a technical novelty, the first post-tensioned concre - te pipe with DN2000 sheet metal jacket manufactured in Spain, with which it has won the Technical Innova- tion Award, granted by SMAGUA Zaragoza Exhibition 2021. Convensa has been awarded the con- tract for the standard gauge implemen- tation works on the 77.56 kilometre Catellón-Vinaroz subsection of the Mediterranean Corridor. The con- tract value is more than 39 million euro and the execu- tion period is 18 months. The Bradfield Metro Consortium, comprising the world’s leading specialists in the design and execution of metro projects, has been shortlisted for the Syd- ney Metro - Western Sydney Airport extension. The consortium is made up of Hitachi, FCC Construction Australia, Keolis Downer and John Laing, who with this partnership bring together specific experience, knowledge and resources to optimise the execution of the project. The project will consist of the construction of six new metro stations as well as the elements of the surrounding precincts, the facilities and maintenance of the stations, in addition to providing the infrastructu- re and railway systems necessary for commissioning. B R I E F - C O N S T R U C T I O N 62 CONSTRUCTION B R I E F