We are FCC - n20
FCC Medio Ambiente people receive the Gold Medal of the City of Vigo for their work during the COVID-19 crisis Business recognition of good practice and healthy and sustainable enterprise in the promotion of health at work Award to FCC Medio Ambiente workers in Castellón for their work during the pandemic Presentation of the results of the SUDOE KET4F-Gas project in Bayonne (France) Aid sent to clean up the ash expelled by the Cumbre Vieja volcano on the island of La Palma First waste collection robot with artificial intelligence in England Over 500 tonnes donated in Buckinghamshire (UK) FCC Medio Ambiente received an award at the 6th Meeting of the Spanish Network of Healthy Companies as a business example of good practices and a healthy and sustai- nable company in the promotion of health at work. At the event, FCC Medio Ambiente received two awards: for Best Practices in Promoting Health at Work and for Sustai- nability of the programme for Promoting Health at Work, both from the INSST in collaboration with the European Network for Workplace Health Promotion (ENWHP) and the Spanish Network of Healthy Companies (REES). Buckinghamshire Council and FCC Environ- ment wanted to thank all the residents who took part in the ‘Buckinghamshire Reuse Revolution’ for donating over 500 tonnes of items for reuse at FCC Environment’s nine household recycling centres across the coun- ty. This campaign was launched in January 2021 and proceeds from the sale of the items will be donated to South Bucks Hospice at Butterfly House. FCC Ámbito was present at the round table to take stock of the results obtained in this project, where the Essen- tial Enabling Technologies (EETs) developed were pre- sented to various manufacturers, installers and waste management companies. Financed by the European Development Fund, the main objective of the project was to reduce the environmental impact through the se- paration and recovery of fluorinated gases used in the refrigeration sector. This project was coordinated by the Universidade Nova de Lisboa and involved 13 partners and 6 associates from Spain, France, Portugal and the United Arab Emirates. Following the eruption of the Cumbre Vieja volcano on the island of La Palma, San Miguel de Abona Town Council, in coordination with FCC Medio Ambiente, the company responsible for the municipal street cle- aning service, has sent personnel and sweepers to help clean up the affected areas. Re3, the waste management partnership formed by FCC Environment and Bracknell Forest, Reading and Wokin- gham Borough Councils, has partnered with intelligent waste management start-up Recycleye to install a waste collection robot known as Recycleye Robotics, which is capable of performing the physical tasks of identifying, collecting and placing materials at a speed of 55 picks per minute. B R I E F - E N V I R O N M E N T 60 ENVIRONMENT B R I E F
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