We are FCC - n20

A transversal analysis By and for the territories AqualiaWA includes all the functio- nalities necessary for an intelligent and efficient management of the water cycle in our towns and cities: consumption analysis, water ba- lances for the detection of breaks and fraud, automatic generation of communications and work orders, among others. In addition, it is inte- grated with all the thematic modules of Aqualia Live, allowing the trans- versal analysis of the information of all the water services. Aqualia Live is the modular and in- tegrated platform around which all the company’s digital services are concentrated, converting informa- tion into knowledge, through what is known as big data and sound computing. The correct treatment of the data handled is a great help in the management, decision-ma- king and monitoring of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine lear- ning (ML) processes. The design of the platform has been based on the enormous ex- perience that Aqualia has gained in the hundreds of municipalities in which it has been providing servi- ces to citizens for years, where it has had to deal with all kinds of si- tuations. In addition to AqualiaWA, Aqualia Live includes, as a platform, other tools based on improving the com- pany’s processes and services. Currently, in addition to the Toledo Technology Centre, Aqualia has another centre in Denia, speciali- sing in smart meters, where inno- vative initiatives are subjected to a process of design, testing and ve- rification of their viability. They are then developed and industrialised for subsequent deployment and im- plementation in the territories where the company operates. Aqualia Technology Center in Denia (Alicante). Special mention should be made of the early detection of leaks (Wa- terNetwork - LeakDetection), which allows repairs to be carried out in less time, reducing water losses and damage caused to the networ- ks, with a direct impact on efficiency and sustainability, as water con- sumption and energy consumption are reduced. C O M M U N I T I E S 57 C O M M U N I T I E S