We are FCC - n20

What are the major magnitudes and milestones of the project? Our FAST consortium is responsible for the execution of lines 4, 5 and 6 with a total length of 65 km and 25 stations (13 underground and 12 ele - vated), 2 Depots, 4 Park&Ride and 69 automatic trains. Our package is one of three that make up the new Riyadh Metro of 175 km in total leng - th, divided into six lines, 85 stations and 190 trains. We are currently in the final phase of the project where we are already conducting the final He emphasises the great magnitude of the project and highlights the unquestionable capacity that FCC and its team have demonstrated in it. He considers that all of this has made the FCC brand widely recognised in the local Saudi market and opened doors to future projects. We are currently in the final phase of the project in which we are already carrying out the final tests of what will be the largest metro network in the world with an automatic, driverless system In addition to the existing metro and bus network, the study of the new line 7, with a total length of 85 km, and the extension of line 2, with a length of 6 km, has already been launched Gutiérrez Head of the Project at the FAST consoritum in Riyadh Ignacio R. tests of what will be the world’s lar- gest automatic (driverless) metro network, having been executed in record time compared to other me- tro systems in other cities. The project is transformative and will change the way mobility is conceived for the city. Are there possibilities to design and build future extensions? Major projects and new develop- ment plans are already underway which, together with the high popu- lation growth forecasts for the co- ming years, make the advancement of the currently non-existent public transport network vital for the urban and economic development of this city. In addition to the existing metro and bus network, the study of the new line 7, with a total length of 85 km, and the extension of line 2, with a length of 6 km, have already been launched. What has been FCC’s imprint wi- thin the FAST consortium? FCC is the leader of the consortium and has exercised this leadership in all areas of a project as complex and diverse as the Riyadh Metro. From technical and construction development, with very demanding technical conditions and using cut- ting-edge technology in all systems, to human resources management, reaching peaks of more than 15,000 workers of 42 different nationalities. The company has also led the finan - cial and legal departments, and has been a structuring element between the different entities and partners of the consortium. This leadership has been recognised and respected by our partners at all times. Have we been able to gain the ne- cessary confidence of the local Saudi market? Undoubtedly. The capacity that FCC has demonstrated in this project using its own means, in the execu- tion of the tunnels with the TMB -tun- nelling machines-, the viaducts, the development and execution of the electromechanical installations on lines 5 and 6, as well as in the urban development work, is unquestiona- ble. All this, together with the capa- city of all our managers to manage this project, and the good work of all our colleagues, have made the FCC brand widely recognised in the local market and opened the doors to futu- re projects. Could you summarise the project in a headline? FCC is successfully and proudly lea- ding the execution of the metro of the future, one of the most complex and ambitious projects in execution worldwide. T H E P L A C E 51 T H E P L A C E I N T E R V I E W