We are FCC - n20

What was your participation in the project? In September 2015 I started in the De - sign department as Reporting Project Control, where I was mainly in charge of managing the design certification with the engineer. In 2017 I was offe - red to join the Requirements Manage- ment department of the Construction Joint Venture (CJV). I am currently responsible at FAST level, not only Her experience in the development of the project has been challenging and, of course, very enriching. Not only has it made her grow professionally, but also personally, as she thinks that being aware that limits are invisible barriers that, with perseverance, work and the help of your colleagues, can be overcome has been very important. On the other hand, participating together with them, with the common goal of the successful completion of this project, fills her with pride and satisfaction, regardless of whether the participation has been greater or lesser, more or less visible. I am excited to be part of the Riyadh Metro project My status as a woman has never conditioned me in my work Desirée Bueno Head of the Requirements, Completion Files and Configuration of the FAST consortium in Riyadh for the requirements, but also for the Completion File and Configuration. How have you experienced, as a woman, the development of your activity in a country like Saudi Ara- bia? I t has not been an easy road, as the- re have been complicated moments. I can’t forget, back in 2016, when the women were sent to a separate offi - ce for a period of time because we couldn’t share the space with our co- lleagues. Fortunately, the time we are living now is different, the country is in a moment of change and openness and this has been reflected in our day-to-day life. I would like to add that my being a woman has never condi- tioned me in my work. How have you experienced perso- nal conciliation in a project of this magnitude? It is something like living in a cons- tant gymkhana, with the eternal fee- ling that you are not getting there and that you are on the verge of falling into the void. My understanding of work-life balance is independent of the size of the project. Work is work, whether it is the Riyadh Metro or the execution of a housing project. In my case, although I work 6 days every two weeks, I have a reduction in my workload that helps me to attend to my children’s needs and at the same time not neglect my work obligations, and I am grateful for that. T H E P L A C E 50 I N T E R V I E W