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Could you tell us about any criti- cal milestone that the company overcame in these years? The biggest challenge has been to convince the different entities of the city affected by the project, from the first phases of management and throughout construction, of the need to adapt the city and all its facilities to the new infrastructure. The effects have been very great and it has been a major challenge to convince each affected entity of the future benefits and improvements that the metro will bring to the city, as well as to the qua- lity of life of the citizens. What are the main international pro- jects you have been involved in? I have previously participated in the construction of the Danube Bridge and Accesses: Vidin (Bulgaria)-Ca- lafat (Romania), also from its begin- nings after the awarding of the work, until its commissioning and operation. He has been part of the construction team and for him, from a professional point of view, the project has meant a before and after in his career. The technical, organisational and cultural challenge was the biggest that a construction professional like him has ever faced. Building 65 kilometres of metro in just seven years on three lines, in a city of more than 7 million inhabitants, without public transport and in a country with a culture so different from that of the West or Europe, is something that is within the reach of very few companies in the world. Building in a country with a culture so different from Western or European culture is something that is within the reach of very few companies in the world The biggest challenge has been to convince the different entities in the city affected by the project of the need to adapt all their facilities to the new infrastructure Rafael Huerga Project Manager of the Fast Construction Joint Venture (CJV) in Riyadh T H E P L A C E 49 T H E P L A C E I N T E R V I E W